One of many classes...
MOMMY/BABY YOGA PHILOSOPHY: A class created to strengthen the bond of Love between Mother and Child. In our Western World, we often are afraid of the delicacy of our babies that we deprive them of the simple joy of movement and touch. We leave them alone and send the message to them that being alone and untouched is a natural state when it is not. The many toys and inventions made for babies in recent times have served only to increase the distance between us. This yoga class will help fill that gap and bring us closer to our babies by helping them to explore thier world in a 3-dimensional level. In a fun and loving way, we will guide our babies through experiences that teach them the true nature of our world. They will learn the differrence between action and rest, expansion and contraction, rhythm and synchronicity as baby moves along with you. On a deeper level, we will use our breath to connect to our babies emotional needs to comfort and fulfill them. Overall, Mommy and Baby's bonds grow stronger and deeper as both continue to experience pleasure, a positive attitude toward life can be made.